Successional trends of epiphytic bryophytes in Mediterranean Basin

Tülay EZER, Mevlüt ALATAŞ, Nevzat BATAN


Bryophytes, earliest land plants, are pioneer plants of different substrate types such as soil, rock and tree, and one of the important components biomass in several ecosystems. Especially epiphytic bryophytes are one of the important structural feature and characteristic component of forest ecosystem. Colonisation of epiphytic bryophytes on tree trunk is mainly determined by ecological factors of environment. Environmental drought is one of the most important abiotic factors affecting the distribution on epiphytic habitats of species in particular. In addition, phorophyte type, tree exposure, height, tree age,  tree canopy and forest stand type as well as climatic conditions were the most important ecological factors influencing bryophyte colonisation along trunk surfaces and epiphytic bryophyte succession.


Epiphytes; Liverworts; Mosses; Succession

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