Analyze on the role of agro-tourism at sustainable olive cultivation realization

Meltem AYAZ


Sustainable agriculture contains production of adequate and high quality foodstuffs at reasonable costs and also systems and applications to ensure the protection and development of the environment and natural resources. It is estimated that thanks to sustainable agricultural practices greenhouse gas emissions will decrease by 80%, biodiversity and habitat losses and water consumption will decline, the prevention of pollution of waters and land by chemical substances will be prevented. Agro Tourism-which is in the scope of sustainability and protects resources by reducing environmental damage the most- is a tourism product that is not harmful to the environment and is inhabited by local people and businesses. Contrary to the concentration of mass tourism (sea holiday or winter tourism and all-inclusive system) in certain regions (Aegean and Mediterranean coasts and ski resorts) and certain periods of the year, Agro-tourism is spreading all the way to prevent environmental destruction. Since olive cultivation is a form of agriculture that has cultivation activities spread over 12 months of the year, it has the potential to be a highly successful choice both in terms of sustainability of agriculture and tourism.


Olive cultivation, Agro Tourism, Sustainability.

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