Lichen secondary metabolites: Synthesis pathways and biological activities



Lichens, which are formed by symbiotic relationship between algae and fungi, synthesize naturally many secondary metabolites with different properties and functions, in response to environmental stress. Although lichen secondary metabolites resemble those of other organisms’ (fungi, plants, etc.), most of them are unique chemical compounds formed only through the association between fungi and algae. The adaptation to environmental conditions and self-preservation of lichens, which grow slowly and can survive even in extreme conditions, are made possible by the secondary metabolites. Although it’s known that lichens for a long time have been used for various purposes, the synthesis mechanism of the secondary metabolites is yet to be determined. The studies continue even today. Basically, the idea of three pathways is developed and the mechanism is revealed partially by trying to explain the acetyl polymalonyl pathway, shikimic acid pathway and mevalonic acid pathway. It is of great importance to understand the purpose of metabolites in lichens and to reveal biosynthesis mechanism exactly to increase the quantity, quality and the utilization areas. These substances formed as a natural product by their metabolism, lichens have much potential utilization in industries including medicine, pharmaceutics, food, perfume and dye. Studies uncover new biological activities of these metabolites, such as antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral and anticancer, and increase their importance every day. In this study, current information on the synthesis pathways of secondary metabolites produced in lichen developmental process and various biological activities shown by lichen species were compiled from a lot of studies in the world and in Turkey from the 1950s to the present.


Lichen, Secondary metabolites, Synthesis pathways, Biological activity.

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