Morphology of the rose chafer, Cetonia aurata (Linnaeus, 1761) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Cetoniidae)



In this study, the results of the surveys on the morphology and the partial biology of the developmental stages during a year of Cetonia aurata, a species of Cetoniidae, are presented. The larvae and adults of the species live in plant compost, rotten leaves, and plant roots. The study was carried out on insects growing in sheep manure in Bayat Village of Altınordu district, Ordu province. After the insects were brought to the laboratory, they were separated by stages. Insects of each stage were weighed, and body lengths and thicknesses were measured. The cephalic capsule measurements of the larvae were measured, and their photographs were taken. Adult insects feed on honey from ripe figs. From this perspective, they can be considered harmful to horticultural and agricultural crops. However, since they are a saprophyte species, they can also be considered a partially beneficial species. The species does not generally harm forestry or agriculture.


Scarabaeoidae, Cetonia aurata, biology, ecology, morphology

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